Winter Texans and Welsh Cowboys

I am officially a Winter Texan. What is a Winter Texan, you ask?  It is a person that spends their winters in Texas. Up north they call them snowbirds. Fleeing the frigid winter of the upper 48 and nestling down south to enjoy the warmer weather. 

Brackettville: Land of Winter Texans

Winter Texans can come in all shapes and sizes AND nationalities. Back when I was a financial advisor at a community bank in Texas, I had a pair of clients who hailed from Wales and were proud Winter Texans.   Brian, the husband, had retired and sold his shop back in Wales. Together with his wife Jean, they bought a small house inside the Fort Clark community in the town of Brackettville, TX. Brackettville which is located 30 miles from the Mexican border, is popular with Winter Texans. In fact, the population of Fort Clark doubled during the winter due to all the snowbirds that flocked back. 

From Wales with Love

Brian and Jean really embraced life in Brackettville and Fort Clark. They would arrive from Wales after Christmas and stay for the following six months (the extent of their tourist visa). 

Brian volunteered at a small, local museum that held artifacts from the region. He became an expert in southwest Texan history and loved to share stories of battles fought in the area. He once gave me and my friend Chris a tour of the museum. I was impressed at how much he had learned and the passion with which he spoke of the history of Brackettville.

Welsh Cowboys and Tea

On Saturday mornings the Winter Texans would get together at a community center in Fort Clark where they shared breakfast and a lecture by one of the members. Each member was encouraged to give a talk on any subject of their choice. When it was Brian’s turn to give the talk, the subject he chose was Welsh cowboys. Believe it or not, there IS such a thing as Welsh Cowboys. The lecture was actually very interesting and well researched. Chris and I really enjoyed it. 

Afterwards, Jean welcomed us to their small home and offered us tea and cookies. Very British. 😀 🇬🇧

They are fond memories. It might seem strange… two young people spending their Saturdays visiting a retired British couple to enjoy tea and stories of Welsh cowboys, but those days have always stuck with me.  I think the reason is that I looked up to Brian and Jean. They were adventurous. I considered them brave. They made a small Texas town their own. They fully embraced its history and customs. And most importantly, they made an impact. They made their community better. Six months at a time. 

They are who I think of when I hear the word Winter Texan. 

Destination San Antonio

So yeah…. I packed up my suitcase and drove from Des Moines to my parents house in San Antonio. I will make San Antonio my home for the next couple of months.  Not sure if I can live up to the standards of Brian and Jean, but I do plan to make the most of my time in the Lone Star State. 

I want to discover new places, drag my sisters to explore along with me, spend valuable time with my parents, and take the time to catch up with my friends in the area. 

It might be an ambitious plan, but I’ll have fun trying. And who knows, maybe I’ll meet some cowboys in the process.. Welsh or not.😉 

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