Traveling To France During COVID

It’s been about a week and a half since I returned home from France.  Since then, I’ve been receiving lots of questions from friends and family on what it was like traveling in France during COVID.  What were restrictions like?  Did you need to be vaccinated to enter the country?  What is the pass sanitaire (health pass) and where do you get one?  Did you feel safe?

I thought I’d take this opportunity to talk about my experience navigating French COVID restrictions.  Be warned that COVID requirements and restrictions keep changing, so it is best to keep yourself updated if you are planning on doing a trip to France or anywhere else abroad.  Visit the US Embassy & Consulate in France to learn about changing travel requirements to France.

Do you need to be vaccinated to enter France?

France places different requirements on citizens of different countries.  As an American citizen, I was required to be vaccinated in order to enter the country for non-essential travel (meaning… travel for fun).  When I checked into my flight before leaving America, I was required to show my CDC vaccination card at the United Airlines counter.  I was also required to show my vaccination card before boarding the flight to Paris.  Once in France, an official at the airport asked for my vaccination card and I was required to sign a form that attested upon my honor that I had not recently tested positive for COVID or had been exposed to COVID. 

What is a Pass Sanitaire (Health Pass) and How do I Get One?

The French government requires that all persons be vaccinated or that they have tested negative for COVID in the last 72 hours in order to be allowed in certain public places such as restaurants, shops, and hotels.  The pass sanitaire (Health Pass) is a digital vaccination certificate issued by the French government that allows you to enter public venues.  Essentially, it consists of a QR code that can be scanned when you enter a restaurant or other public place.

Not having a Health Pass will make your time in France very difficult!  Americans can get a Health Pass by uploading their vaccination records and other documents to the French government.  Warning!  At the time of this writing, the process to obtain a Health Pass changed from when I obtained mine.  I was able to upload my vaccination card and passport to the French government online, and my Health Pass was processed and delivered to me via email just before leaving the United States.  However, on November 8, 2021, the process changed.  Americans can now obtain the Health Pass by applying for it at a French pharmacy and paying about 35 euros.  You can find more details on how to obtain a pass at the French government’s page here.

What venues require a Health Pass?  And do they really check?

Basically all places require a Health Pass.  I was asked for it before I was seated at a restaurant, during the check-in process at all hotels, before boarding the train to other cities, during tours, and when entering cultural venues like the opera, the movies or any museums.  During my stay in France, basically all places asked for the pass.  Restaurants required it even if you sat outside.  There was only one or two restaurants that did not ask me for my Health Pass.  I think they just forgot.  One night when I was at Harry’s Cocktail Bar, a group of friends came in.  One girl forgot her phone, but said she had other proof of vaccination, but the manager said that she needed the pass to stay at the bar and asked her to leave.  Tip: print out a copy of your pass in case you forget your phone or it runs out of battery.

Are There Places that Do Not Require the Health Pass?

Yes.  Very few.  The metro does not require that you show a Health Pass.  Neither does AirBnB.  I rented an AirBnB apartment in Lyon and the company did not require the Health Pass or any other vaccination certificate.  Taxis also do not require that you show the Health Pass.  Department stores and groceries do not ask for it either.  However, some reserve the right to ask for it.

Until When Will the Health Pass be Required?

As of the time of this writing, the French government has approved the requirement of the Health Pass until end of July 2022.  However, while I was in France, President Macron made a request to the Assembly for an extension.

Should Vaccinated People Wear a Mask Indoors?

Yes! Yes! Yes!  Regardless of vaccination status, masks are required anywhere indoors.  Taxis, museums, shops, trains, metro, churches, hotels… all indoor venues require masks independently of proof of vaccination.  Regardless of vaccination status, you must wear a mask indoors.  Warning!  As a Marketing professional, I LOVE the obsession many businesses in the US have for making things easier for the customer.  For example, you will find free masks basically at most shops.  Things are a bit different in France…. And I learned the hard way.  Businesses will not have free masks available for you.  So make sure you ALWAYS carry one with you.  Ladies, stick a few of them in all your purses.  One day I forgot mine and my friend wanted to visit Fourviere basilica at the top of the hill overlooking Lyon.  Well, since I forgot my mask and he didn’t have any extras and no stores had some available for free, we could not take public transportation and had to climb the entire way!

Are Places Crowded?

People are definitely out living their lives.  They are shopping and traveling and enjoying life at restaurants and cafes.  Yes, places are full and lively.  The metro is crowded.  The shops are bursting with people eager to buy the latest fashion.  Some attractions, however, like the Louvre require that you book a time slot for you to visit in order to limit the amount of visitors and encourage social distancing.  Tour companies are limiting the amount of guests allowed in their tours.  Even the champagne houses require that you book tastings ahead of time.  Because of these limitations, you really need to plan ahead and buy tickets or sign up for visiting times in advance. 

Do I Need a Negative COVID Test to Return to The US?

Yes.  Regardless of vaccination status, Americans must present a negative COVID test to enter the United States.  You can get a test at most French pharmacies.  You can also perform a test using one of the approved COVID home tests.  I use eMed.  Through eMed, you can request a home Covid test, bring it with you on your trip, and then test abroad.  eMed offers a proctoring service where a proctor oversees the testing process from the moment you open the test kit to the moment you get your result.  To learn more about my experience with eMed, go to my post “My Last Night in Paris.”

Did I Feel Safe?

Definitely.  I felt save traveling throughout France.  I took trains to various cities.  Got around in the metro.  Attended the opera.  Participated in tours and wine tastings.  Indulged at the restaurants and cafes.  Spent the afternoons shopping at crowded stores.  Waited at airports and train stations…. And I would do it all over again!