The Five Categories for Travelers at the Airport

My flight to Paris is tonight at 6pm… just a few more hours.  😀 Overall, today was an uneventful day… which is a good thing.  My pre-scheduled Uber arrived early to pick me up.  At the Des Moines airport, going through security was fast and easy.  I sat at the airport restaurant next to the window and watched the planes take and land as I worked away on my laptop.  The flight was on time and our arrival to Chicago went smoothly.

United Club in Chicago

I arrived in Chicago just after 1:00 pm.  I walked all the way to the United Club located in Gate C just across from my departure gate.  Unfortunately, they were not taking one-time passes, so had to walk back to Terminal B to try another United Club.  They received me without any problems.  I found an isolated corner by the window and continued working on my laptop.  During breaks I head over to the bar to get food and drinks.  My seat overlooks the Chicago airport.  I can see people moving through the terminal.  🙂

Categories of Travelers… Which one are you?

One of my favorite things to do at an airport is people watch.  Who doesn’t, right?  And I found a perfect corner in the United Club where I’m perched overlooking the people below.  There are some interesting characters at the airport.  From a sea of people moving purposely through the terminals, you can start seeing some categories of travelers.  I’ve grouped travelers into 5 categories.  Do you agree?  Would you include more?  Which one are you? 😉

The Deal Makers – these are all those folks that don’t let a stay at the airport impede them from closing the deal.  Laptops out, constantly on their phones… you can hear them say things like “Gotta jump on the next call,” “Did you see my last email on the contract?”  As I write this, a gentleman is sitting across from me on a business call switching from English to German flawlessly while saying things like “Have we come up with a contingency plan?”  The Deal Makers are the first ones to pull out their laptops out of their bag.  Some are even wearing business casual and a copy of The Economist is not far away from their reach.  But this category is not solely for business professionals.  I’ve heard moms on the phone finalizing the details of the next bake sale.  Airport WiFi was made for these people!

The Octopus – God bless these people.  These are the ones who are easiest to spot.  Most parents herding small children (or small pets) through the airport are in this category.  But they are not the only ones.  These are the people who haul a rolling bag with a second bag attached to it, a coat draped over the other arm, while holding a late with their free hand.  Or they are the ones who do too much duty free shopping and have their hands full with shopping bags.   If you’ve ever been told by the gate agent that you need to place your many articles inside your carry-on  bag in order to board, then you are definitely in this category! 

The Model – these are the people who look fabulous as they wait for their next flight.  You see them gliding through the terminal dressed very stylish.  They are alluring, you can’t help but stare as they pass by and then comparing yourself to them.  You wonder how do these people make it look so effortless?  Why are they  cruising the terminal with a single Fossil laptop bag dangling from their shoulders instead of hauling all their stuff in every single available hand like you are?  The Models are the ones that have perfect hair.  They don’t walk through the airport, they strut through the airport.  They are the ones wearing heels, cute dresses, and elegant coats. 

The Socializer – these people can be fun… or annoying… depending on the context.  These are the folks that befriend you at the bar.  They ask about your trip and/or talk tirelessly about theirs.  Being a solo traveler, it can be fun finding these people.  One time I sat next to a truck driver who was flying to Ghana to propose to his girlfriend.  Unfortunately, some Socializers can also be annoying.  You know… the loud guy at the bar.  You are a socializer if you strike up conversations with people at the airport or in the airplane.

The Expert – these are the people who fly so often, they know all the tricks… and get all the upgrades.  They know where the best restaurants in the airport are.  They know how to take full advantage of their credit card travel rewards program.  These people can be Sherpas that can help you find the best United Club and also provide the best tips when your flight gets cancelled.  If you give travel and airport advice to your friends and family, you are in this category.